08111407777, 07047447000

About SBI Primary

SBI School Primary

It is expected that the Grade Five learners will begin developing more interest in creative and innovative approach to learning. Decision making remains very crucial and encouraged. They are guided, counseled and supported in their thoughts pattern and responses to learning/teaching.

These are achievable through sharing of experiences, exposures and examples; skills development and complimentary activities. The emphasis should not be mainly on the cognitive domain but effective and psychomotor remain relevant in the making of a total child.

It is very obvious that at this point, these sets of learners start dreaming of lives in the secondary school.

Sure Bedrock Schools (SBI)

We are a world-class private Nursery, Primary, and Secondary school in the city of Port Harcourt. Our Schools are uniquely structured to provide a tailored and personalized education at every level.

The mustard seed that has now blossomed had its roots supplanted in the sands of time years.

We offer a blend of Cambridge Early Years, Primary and Secondary, International Primary Curriculum, International Early Years Curriculum and Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

0 Certified Teachers
0 Students
0 Subjects
0 Awards Won

What Student Says About Us

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country